Service times:
Sunday @ 10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion / Lay lead service. Sunday School.
Thursday @ 10:00 a.m. – Holy Communion.
We are a warm, welcoming, all age congregation with an active lay membership, people who use their gifts and talents to participate in serving god in all aspects of Church life.
The Sunday life of worship is based around the eucharist (family communion service) in which the popular and expanding Sunday School make their own special contribution. We try to be open to influences both old and new and this is reflected in the music at the church. We see church as a place of celebration and are eager to take note of all the stages of life, the joys and the sorrows of those who travel with us as we seek to be faithful to God and discover his purposes for us at this time.
Our worship style is Anglo-Catholic influenced although the Church is open to other styles and is modern and forward thinking in its outlook. We have one lay-led service once a month. We have varied music styles – the traditional organ and a music group with instruments.